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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Apathy rules ok!

Is it only me...but some people these days just can't even be bothered.

Anyone who keeps half an eye open for the news will know that the Apparatchiks are a wee bit unhappy about what the Two Caesars are trying to do to their plans for a comfortable taxpayer funded retirement.

Flying in the face of logic, economic reality and our soaring ability for medical science to keep us alive for longer, these people and their Union Barons are insisting that we continue to subsidise a long, happy and wealth retirement even though such benefits and privileges are denied to us mere mortals.

I was intrigued to see that in a recent ballot, 72% of the members of the Apparatchik union, PCS, who voted, agreed to take further industrial action should the Two Caesars not come round to their way of thinking i.e. preserve the status quo.

I am all in favour of democracy, it is a good thing, but the crucial thing here is that it was a only majority of those voting who voted to strike. And here’s the rub, only 33% could be bothered to vote.

How difficult is it to vote? It is not like you are being asked to make a trip out in the cold and dark to put your cross on a wee bit of paper. Instead you get to vote in the warmth, comfort and privacy of your home. And you don’t even need to go and hunt for a stamp. The Apparatchik Union Baron will send you a stamped address envelope to make it even easier. All you have to do is find a pen, mark a cross and put envelope in the post.

They even make it easy for you to decide. You only have too choose between two very black and white options and say yes or no to the proposition that unless the taxpayers continue to generously featherbed your retirement, you will come out on strike. How straightforward can it all be?

And yet 2/3 couldn’t even be bothered to do that. And for something as important and as significant as their long term future.

Apathy rules ok.

It might only be me but I think that if the Apparatchiks can’t be bothered to vote and let us know whether they want to follow the advice of their Union Baron or subscribe to the common sense view of us taxpayers as articulated by the Two Caesars, then why should I bother paying for their pension.

Have a great week.

Sis felix. Et sis fortunatus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you think it democratic that Dave Cameron and his public school educated toffs rule this country when most people in this country eligible to vote either voted for someone else or did not vote at all? Before you bash union democracy you should remember that few governments in recent years in this country have had majority support. Democracy has its flaws but it is the least worst option.