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Thursday, 8 January 2015

Farting and belching

Cicero’s alma mater, the University of Glasgow, or the Yooni to afficianados,  has recently caved into student pressure from a vocal minority of eco- and enviro-mentalists, and has decided to sell its holding in fossil fuels.

It has done this on basis that these are bad things and are the cause of wonky weather.

Cicero really does think that it’s time to stand up to these megalomaniacs who think theirs  are the only voices to be heard.

 Perhaps the don who caved in and the student mentalists who held the Yooni to ransom should consider this tale.

Hold two pictures in your mind.

The first is a cow in a beautiful, green field.

The second is car stuck in a traffic jam. Engine on, polluting the environment as its nasty emissions spew from its rear end.

Now ask yourself this: Which one is doing more harm?

The cow or the car?
If you listen to the mentalists it would be the car.

But in truth the cow is doing more harm to the planet than the car. It produces more greenhouse gases. And its gasses are more harmful than the gases cars produce.

Cows fart and belch a lot and produce methane. And this is a great deal more harmful that CO2. Indeed 20 times more harmful.

And so cows are more likely to be the cause of wonky weather than our chariots.

In fact, the world’s livestock generate an estimated 18% of the world’s greenhouse gasses which is more than all the cars, aeroplanes, trains, ships, and all other forms of transport put together.
But we never hear this from the eco-mentalists.

And as they wage war on the capitalist gas guzzling classes you never hear them telling us to be more veggie. Or waging war on all creatures with 4 legs.

It’s easier to have a go at Cicero’s Yooni than to advocate death and destruction to our farm animals.

It’s about time that the eco-and enviro-mentalists did learn the facts of life before they open their gobs and add yet more methane into the atmosphere.

Have a great week.

Sis felix. Et sis fortunatus. 

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