Cicero is feeling guilty. And fears he may be giving his
devoted and loyal readers the wrong impression. And he would like to make
You may from recent posts be left with the impression that
Cicero has something against this country’s Apparatchik class and that in his
eyes these people can do no right. But in this post Cicero would like to
suggest that those working to create wealth can at times be prone to much
silliness too.
A few weeks back Little Ed, to much gnashing of teeth and
beating of breasts from the Two Caesars and their acolytes, promised when
speaking to the Last Lot, that should the Last Lot become the Next Lot after
the Two Caesars have sought the judgement of the Vulgar Mob, that they would
pass a law to cap energy price rises. A very relevant topic given the inflation
busting price increases that our energy companies have just announced.
Now clearly such a law is more beneficial than debating and
legislating to tax carrier bags to save the odd polar bear. Even if it will
have the same effect as Canute as trying to stop the waves. You can’t buck the
market. You can’t nationalise capitalism by getting them to pay for it. You
really must stop listening to and reading the works of Pater, Little Ed.
Now such nonsense is bad enough. But it was trumped by the
nonsense of one of those affected. A classic case of shooting yourself in the
Little Ed’s Marxist cant, while loved by the Vulgar Mob not
unnaturally, was received with distinct unenthusiasm by those whose job it is
to risk their capital to extract the oil and gas from the ground and to
transport this vast distances so that we might keep our lights on, homes warm,
and our offices and factories working at full stretch. Freezing prices
artificially for 2 years will destroy investment, destroy jobs, destroy the
economy. You might win some cheap votes, they warned, but such a policy will
lead to blackouts, food riots and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
And while Cicero might agree with the sentiments, such dire
warnings might have been a wee bit over the top.
And no sooner had their apocalyptic warnings started when,
in a brazen piece of marketing cheek, and it was not a bad piece of marketing,
one of their number announced that it was not possible to fix your energy
prices not for two years, which would clearly result in the end of
civilisation, but for 4 years.
The Marketing Head Honcho who signed off this campaign
clearly was not cc-ed into the Armageddon memo.
So silliness is not just an Apparatchik monopoly.
So re-arrange these words into meaningful sentences. Pot
black calling kettle. Left right hand doing not what hand knowing. Billy a
who’s silly.
Sis felix. Et sis fortunatus. Semper.