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Friday, 11 July 2014

Everyone out...

Cicero is grateful to all who have engaged with recent musings. Debate is healthy. Even when the thinking is unsound and flawed.

Seemingly the Apparatchiks are angry. And this week it has been reported that over one million of them have gone on strike.

Did you notice? Nope, nor did Cicero. Makes one think. If one million people can have a Duvet Day at the expense of those who pay their wages and fund their old age, and few notices, we have to ask ‘what exactly is it you do every day?’

Cicero is sure that if we encouraged more of our Apparatchiks to take more Duvet Days more often, surely we could save a small fortune. And maybe even cut our taxes. Or plough into value adding services. Like education. Cicero is a huge fan of education.

Let us move on.

Now there are many things so wrong with this strike. Cicero does not have the time to address the many wrong issues here.

So we are not going to discuss the lack of a democratic mandate for these Duvet Days. How can 20% of a union’s membership be a mandate for action? Cicero is with the Two Caesars on this. We need a higher threshold before these Union Dinosaurs can hold a nation to supposed ransom by taking ad hoc and random Duvet Days. Well they might if their members did anything useful.

Nor are we going to discuss the Union Dinosaurs’ inability to enter and join the Real World, the place where Cicero and many million others live, work and earn their bawbees.

In the Real World no one these days gets a cost of living pay rise. Bankers excepted of course.

In the Real World no one has a gold plated pension these days.

In the Real World no one has Appartchik-esque job security.

In the Real World, thanks to medical advances, no one believes that we will be able to leave the world of work and sail off in to the horizon when we reach 60.

And in the Real World many of us will be performance rated. Fail to perform, you are out.

This is a world unrecognisable to Apparatchiks.

So why should Cicero and everyone else in the value creating economy subsidise the lifestyle of those who don’t? It is a nonsense.

But Cicero is not going to talk about those issues.

Instead today Cicero is going to counsel and provide career advice to those who want him to fund even more lavishly and richly the nests of those who claim to be Public Servants.

And Cicero’s advice is simple, straightforward and succinct.

For it is clear that having listened extensively to the bleating of the Union Dinosaurs they seem to have a problem being Apparatchiks, despite the job security, the tax payer funded gold plated pensions exclusive to them, and the excess holidays they receive especially when combined with extra Duvet Days. The pay is crap seemingly. The hours long and excessive. They have to pay more and work longer for their pensions. They are being held accountable for performance. Bless.

So if you don’t like what you doing now, do something else. It’s quite simple. Exactly what is holding you back? Is it because you do know that the grass is not all greener?

Have a great day.

Sis felix. Et sis fortunatus. 

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