A few days
back Cicero was initiated into the magical wonderful retail experience that is
‘Lush’ which only sells one product, soap. You would think that a shop that
only sells soap would have a limited shelf life. Apparently not. For it seems
that there are Lush shops springing up everywhere offering a new experience in
soap buying.
Do we really
want an experience when buying soap?
And nor does
Cicero want staff members to approach him unbidden and try to be all friendly,
enthusiastic and passionate. It is soap, for god’s sake. How can you be
passionate and emotional about soap?
And should you be one of Lush's little helpers, the kind who rush to fawn and ingratiate with enthusiastic and camp bonhomie, please don’t invade Cicero’s personal
space. Stand well back. If help is needed you will be summoned.
This is what
some might call retail theatre.
But if we
want theatre we go to an auditorium to watch actors and actresses (and en
passant when did actresses start to call themselves actors?) perform the works
of some great dramatist from centuries back. We do not go looking for a
theatrical experience in a shop on the High St.
Retailing is
quite simple.
You make
sure your shelves are fully stocked with things people want to buy. Your staff
speak when they are spoken to. And certainly no small talk or attempts to make
social conversation. You take my money. You give me my change. And you put it
in a bag for me, unless of course you are one of those retailers who have been
got at by the Taliban-esque eco-mentalist bags-are-bad-brigade and want to tax
me for the privilege of carrying the goods I have bought home in your
And that’s
You do not
try to get to know me. You do not bid me ‘have a nice day’. And you most
certainly do not treat me as if I’m your mate.
Keep the
theatre for Broadway and the West End.
Mary Portas,
you have a lot to answer for.
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