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Friday 6 January 2012

Show me the way to go home

Is it only me.....but some people just have too much time on their hands.
This morning when driving into work I almost drove off the road.

It seems that many of us when slavishly following the inane commanding voice of our SatNavs (and for the record I still find my way from A to B in the old fashioned way i.e. by using a map) are driving up dead ends, into farms and into rivers. Silly people! Have we as a nation lost all ability to think for ourselves? This is what happens when we let the Health and Safety Gauleiters and other Nanny State Apparatchiks dictate to us what we do.

But I digress.

Clearly this requires action and as the Apparatchiks clearly don’t have anything else to do these days (and is it any wonder that many of us think there are too many of them in the first place?) they have set up a SatNav Summit. I kid ye not. No wonder I almost drove off the road and I did that without the help of a SatNav.

Is this really the most pressing issue facing the Two Caesars and their legions of under-employed Apparatchiks? I would love to hear your views on what else our Apparatchiks should summit about to kill an idle day, week or month.

And I bet too that after months of discussion, debate and deliberation and having devoted more time and money to killing a few trees and penning a report, they recommend that SatNavs advise their owners in terms of mounting panic that there is a river nearby. And in Apparatchik terms brought up at Nanny School, ‘nearby’ means anywhere in same county.

If people are too stupid to drive into a river because it never occurred to them that the SatNav might be wrong then they don’t deserve the combined heavily subsidised brains of our Apparatchiks working out what to do on their behalf.

And if the Apparatchiks have nothing better to do all day might I suggest they get a better job.

Have a great week. And take care if driving near a stretch of water.

Sis felix. Et sis fortunatus.


Anonymous said...

Cicero, great to see you back. Its been a while and we missed you. You have made this up, haven't you? Or is it April Fool? I can't believe that time is being spent on making up for people not having common sense. What about a summit to improve people reversing cars into a space?

Cicero said...

Nope i can assure you this all genuine without a word of a lie. I will suggest your idea about reversing into spaces to some Apparatchiks I know.