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Wednesday 29 August 2012

Blackboard jungle

Once again I send greetings and profuse apologies for my absence from the airwaves for the past few weeks. I will not bore you with the details but suffice to say I was unavoidably detained and kept away from you. My excuse is genuine and substantive. You know wild horses would fail to keep me from my devoted fans and followers and seekers of the truth like you.

Now maybe it’s only me but…a wee bit more effort might have solved this problem.

While I was away from you I was following with great interest the row that has blown up over the marking for the GCSEs and the performance of our young people in these exams.

Now it occurs to me, as one who passed their exams when an A pass truly was an A pass, that it is not a God given right that the pass rate should continually rise.

And it also strikes me that if more and more of our young people are passing these exams as the data would appear to suggest, then why are the yoof of today not smarter than we were at their age? And if you really do think that these people have mastered the 3 Rs then you have not come into much contact with these people.

They can’t add up even the most basic sums without a calculator-see them in shops managing a till for proof of this; their understanding of the simplest of grammatical concepts is weak-like the use of apostrophes; and don’t even start me on their understanding of the use of gerunds and gerundives, the need for semi-deponent verbs or the ability to parse a sentence.

I am also shocked that there is such uproar over the marking scheme and whether or not they deserve a C or D grade in English. If the row had been over an important grade like an A or A Star I might have understood. But a C or D-talk about circumcising gnats.

Now it might only be me but surely if they had tried just a wee bit harder then this row could easily have been defused.

You got a D so get over it. It is not the examiners fault. It is not Michael Gove’s problem. It is down to you. Maybe if you had listened more in class or did your homework with a wee bit more diligence or spent more time with your books instead of being on Facebook in the run up the exam you might have got the marks to get a real C or even B or possibly an A.

And to the teachers moaning and whining about the markers, take a long hard look at yourselves. Maybe you should have put in a wee bit more effort to get your pupils away from the danger zone. Blaming the markers is a smoke screen.

I am so glad my schooldays are well behind me.

Have a great week.

Sis felix. Et sis fortunatus.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

You have really put the boat out there or should that be put the boot in! Never heard of a 'gerund' but not sure it was essential to life.
I think getting a C compared with a D is important if it means you can't take the subject to the next level. You never having got a C in your life will of course not understand.

Education standards are a worry and we need to look closely at how we improve them. However in defence of children, you can only sit the exam set in front of you so maybe your scorn should be focused on the exam boards, educationalists and numerous Education Secretarys.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Cicero, you have been missed. There has been a little hole in life for the past few weeks, and I don't mean due to the lack of rugby or footy!

I agree in general with your viewpoint, however I do think the teachers should take more of the blame or 'finger pointing' in this case. Remembering back to my own school days (which are a little longer ago than I would like!) teachers taught pupils to pass the exam, and not much more. I believe things are very much the same today, if not worse. Teachers seem to have lost the knack of teaching a subject so pupils gain knowledge and instead they concentrate on satisfying Governors who expect a certain percentage of As, Bs etc.

Looking forward to your next installment.