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Monday 13 February 2012

Blowing hot and cold

Is it only me...but it seems I might have been right all along.

Devoted readers of my wit and wisdom will know that I am an ardent critic of the causes of Wonky Weather, better known as global warming by eco-and enviro-mentalists who themselves rebranded their spurious science to climate change to explain away freezing winters.

For years these doomsayers have controlled just about every agenda going with their doomsayer pronouncements and apocalyptic warnings of droughts, crop failures, rising sea waters and the loss of ice floes for the polar bear. And they were taken seriously. Unbelievable, I know.

Now it seems they were wrong and I might have been right, though of course this is not a time for intellectual superiority or patrician gloating. And for this point of view I have for once got the best of impeccable sources.

You might not have come across my proof given the stranglehold that the Wonky Weather deniers and the eco and enviro-mentalists have on mainstream media around the globe forbidding and limiting any discussion of alternative points of view. It is therefore my public duty to bring this new knowledge to a wider and more informed audience. This means you.

New research based on Met Office data, so it must be authoritative, has proved without a scintilla of doubt that global temperatures, despite the introduction of wheelie bins, more expensive air travel and charges for carrier bags, have remained flat since 1997. Indeed it now seems that global temperatures have risen by the meagre 0.4C in last 30 years. Not much is it?

And, if more proof was needed, a bunch of scientists wrote to the Wall St Journal pointing out that ‘computer models have greatly exaggerated how much warming additional CO2 can cause’.

In other words global warming or climate change is a myth and is nothing more than Wonky Weather as I have repeatedly pointed out for as long as I have been crafting these words.

Maybe M&S might now give us back all the 5ps they have taken from us all over the years in name of global warming given that the eco-mentalists have been shown to be a bunch of empty shirts. Do you think they will? No neither do I.

It might only be me but maybe this will put an end to the development of public and social policy aiming to fix Wonk Weather on basis of spurious unfounded and plain wrong science. As I have said all along Wonky Weather cannot be controlled. It just happens.

Before William the Conqueror landed on these shores we had a king called Ethelred who in a very public demonstration of his powerlessness proved that he could not control the waves. Now the latest research from the weathermen proves that we cannot control Wonky Weather by getting us to pay more to fly, to drive our cars, dump our rubbish and even to carry our food home from the shops. Green taxes have or will do nothing for Wonky Weather. Best we stop pretending it will.

Have a great week.

And if you interested in reading a love story for our times, check out

Sis felix. Et sis fortunatus.

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